Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Time flies by way to fast...

Life is always busy so it seems...Never enough time to get it all done and then we stress about it what we can't accomplish. So Monday was a holiday and I was home...So I just said: I'm doing what I want to so I won't stress all week about what I didn't do. And surprise surprise...even though I didn't get everything done; I feel better because I took time for me and what I wanted to work on.
So remember take time for's okay to be "selfish" from time to time and honestly it's quite healthy!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Good Bye Summer...

Well Summer is gone and I didn't post a freaking thing about my garden...

Over all it went pretty well but I hope to have more success next year.

That's about all I have say for now. Have a great week! Ang

Monday, June 22, 2009

Way behind...

Well I was going to post some more pictures of the garden but I'm frustrated that you only add one picture at a time. So when I have more time I will add more but we are just puttering along and doing fine.

I've added a shade cloth over the little bit of lettuce I have left. Seems too have made a difference but we shall see. The tomatoes are doing outstanding! Cucumbers blooming and carrots are moving slow.

I just have to say the very best thing about this garden...Matthew and I are working on it together. I can't remember the last project since building the house that we have worked so well together. It's become a place for us to just be together and I'm loving it!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My dad's garden...

Since I need to take updated pictures of my garden I thought I would share some I took of my Dad's Amazing Garden over the weekend.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pictoral Update of My Garden from 5-19-09

I just wanted to give a quick update of how my little garden is doing. Not too bad, I'm really happy with the tomatoes! I've already had to start tieing back some of them. I've added more lettuce and carrot seeds because the first round didn't do so well. Gotta run, enjoy the pictures...I took them with my cell phone...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Garden update...

Okay my goal this year is to REUSE items as much as possible. Well here is one more thing we've reused in the garden...
We had some leftover rebar so my husband bent 2 pieces of it to create an area for my tomatoes to be tied up on. I was so excited when he came up with the idea because he is totally getting into and helping me reach my goal this year!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quick thought on what I'm going to REUSE

Well...I've been wanting to create a raised bed garden this year and I've come up with a way to combine that with my REUSE goal.
We reused some wood we already had and built this raised bed garden. So far so good...I'll add updates and pictures as I can.