Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pictoral Update of My Garden from 5-19-09

I just wanted to give a quick update of how my little garden is doing. Not too bad, I'm really happy with the tomatoes! I've already had to start tieing back some of them. I've added more lettuce and carrot seeds because the first round didn't do so well. Gotta run, enjoy the pictures...I took them with my cell phone...


Anonymous said...

Wow...that is awesome. I can't grow anything because I forget to water and get busy doing other things!! :) My sister is coming over today to do some landscaping for me because I don't like that either! ha

majc forever said...

Hey Tracy! Thanks! I'm still holding my breath that all goes well and I don't kill anything.

Tell your sista howdy for me and have fun with the landscaping!!!
